Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thats Life

It's Saturday. I'm just six days from sending another group of little people off in to the world or at least until they fly back into my classroom in September. Some of them are moving away, some are moving up, but the rest of my little chickies will be back. I will really be glad for the summer break. I recently had my teenagers "job shadow" me and they both commented that the energy level to keep up with 17 three and four year olds is insane. HAHA Yea, because if your not in control, the kids will be! I'd like to refer you to the class next door which I've gently dubbed the "LTFs". (Lord of The Flies) who is run by their fearless (fearful?) leader, BBOI (sorry can't share that one at this time). The LTFs have crazy music sung by the most annoying children's musicians ever allowed to even be produced, at a volume heard through the cinder blocks and up past the main office. My kids get the occasional Rafi....but we really strive for something a bit more calming. Anyway I'm way off course now......Ok so high energy, yours must be greater than theirs....blah blah blah....this is why at least every other day I end up taking the afternoon NAP, which is the best thing EVER!! Then there is the germ factor that I need a break from. I've seen it all this year from Swine to Strep. I only seem actually get sick right about the time we have a break. Like, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. My director recently complimented me on my great work ethic like perhaps she thinks I've been able to control getting sick for the better of the school. Hmmm?? Well, if it means a raise I will continue to allow her to believe it. This is the same woman who administered my last flu shot to me!

Ok to the point, the point, the point!!! Patience my dear reader! For the next three months all I have in front of me is books, travel, beaches, biking, outdoor activities and so therefore......i should also be able to PAINT more because I will no longer be sucked dry of creativity, emotional energy, and physical exhaustion. YEA!!! Oh but did I mention for the next three months I have no income..... paintings are for sale!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

A Conversation With Lillian Blades

Still looking for balance

It's been a week and I'm still trying to find a little balance and harmony in my life again. How does the arrival of one adult throw things so completely off. I did manage to go out on a hunt for materials on Sunday which made me feel like I was at least trying to keep the creative flow going. I have at least four paint projects to move through in the next five weeks. They are still all in various stages but as I'm emotionally pulled in five directions at the moment I just glance in to my room and think...., "be with you when I can."
Also this weekend I did make a stop at the Cameron Art Museum in Wilmington North Carolina. Lillian Blades (interview posted) has a beautiful exhibit up at the moment and her eclectic combination of materials and colors is so inspiring to me!
OK so it's Monday I have this whole week in front of me to start anytime I ready to jump in there again! Right? :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Finding Space

Well I was going to write this about finding your own space but I clearly have no answer to this because in the 20min I have sat down to write....constant interuption. How is it I've gone from such solitary living to choas....

Well give me a few days and I'll tell you if I can find a way to balance it all..... :)

Eating on the go....

So today I decide to swing into tacobell after work, hungry! Very hungry. Preschool peanutbutter jelly sandwiches on white bread is not in any of my eat like an adult "food groups". So Taco Bell it is. I get two bean burritos and drive off. I decide I need to eat right then so I'm holding this bean burrito in my left hand...steering w/ my right when all the beans dump out on my lap. I hold the steering wheel along with the burrito in my left hand while reaching my right hand into the bag for napkins. My spiral thumb ring gets hooked on the handle of the t-bell bag and I can't get it unhooked at all. So there I am driving down the road with a now squished busted burrito in one hand, a t-bell bag hanging off my thumb, and beans in my lap..and I had to go a good mile like this before I had decent place to pull over...what a day! Haha