I'm envious of those who are able to blog everyday and share. Not the green eyed monster kind of envy but maybe just awestruck by there dedication and that far busier people than me manage to squeeze it all in.
So four 4 paintings half done this week and I hit a wall. It got to messy around here. Tubes of paints, cut out paper, dirty paint brushes......I'm not describing this well enough. Every square inch of my living room had art clutter. So I moved it to a room where I can't see it and after ppl leave this weekend I will deal with it and paint again.
On a personnel note, this week I was chosen to get a gift basket for a church member who is terminally ill after a long battle with cancer. Her faith is strong but she is still afraid. I hope I can find gifts that will comfort her and I hope that I find the right words in my card to give her strength,support,and grace to follow God without fear to the next place,his great kingdom.
I'm honored to have get this opportunity to give.